澳洲管理学assignment代写 监狱盈利

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组织结构是通过McJobs使私人监狱的运作变得合理、高效和可预测。作者帕梅拉·托尔伯特和理查德·霍尔在《组织结构、过程和结果》一书中指出,组织结构可能受到技术的影响。没有技术,今天的社会就无法运转。私立监狱每天都在使用技术,以使监狱运转正常。正如作者托尔伯特和霍尔所指出的,“涉及大规模生产的‘大批量’技术”,是一个拥有1900张或以上床位的私人监狱的组成部分。(托尔伯特和霍尔2016)。私立监狱为了日常运作的顺利使用了技术。关于文章《监狱》、《被强迫的需求》和《资本主义晚期被监禁的身体的重要性》,作者Natalie Delia Deckard指出,有一个全球生产链和不断改进的工业技术。(迪卡2017)。通过这样说,作者Deckard明白了技术总是在改进和更新,变得比前一个月更好。技术是任何公司盈利的主要因素之一。技术进步的需要是巨大的。没有它,公司或在这种情况下,私人监狱不能生产什么是需要的,以建立他们的收入。文章指出,尽管监狱对强迫劳动持消极态度,但监狱普遍存在以营利为中心的动机。强制劳动是另一个话题。一般来说,大多数组织的重要性和目标是获得大量的收入。很简单。没有收入,就没有组织。为了获得大量的收入,公司必须对其进行投资。例如,在私人监狱中,扫描仪、计算机、金属探测器、操作系统和对讲机对讲机等技术的使用都对监狱设施的顺利运行起着作用。

澳洲管理学assignment代写 监狱盈利

The organizational structure is what makes a private prison function appropriately via McJobs by being efficient and predictable. Authors Pamela Tolbert and Richard Hall stated in the book Organizations Structure, Processes and Outcomes that organizational structure can have the effects of technology. Without technology, today’s society cannot function. Private prisons use technology every day in order to make things work. As noted by authors Tolbert and Hall, “‘large-batch’ technology [which is] (involving large-scale production)”, is what a private prison with a bed size of 1900 or more would consist of. (Tolbert and Hall 2016). Private prisons use technology in order for daily operations to go smooth with in the facility. In regards to the article Prison, Coerced Demand, and the Importance of Incarcerated Bodies in Late Capitalism, Author Natalie Delia Deckard noted that there is a global production chain and ever-improving industrial technologies. (Deckard 2017). By saying this, Author Deckard understands that technology is always improving and updating to become better than the previous month before. Technology is one of the major factors in any company towards being profitable. The need for the advancement of technology is great. Without it, the company or in this case private prison couldn’t produce what is needed in order to build towards their revenue. In the article, it is notes that prisons in general have a motive for being centered around making profit despite the negative approach towards forced labor in a prison. Forced labor is another topic for another day. In general, the importance and goal of most organizations is to make a lot of revenue. It’s very simple. Without the income of revenue, there is no organization. In order to make a lot of revenue, the company must make an investment towards it. For instance, in the private prison setting uses technology like scanners, computers, metal detectors, operating systems and walkie talkie radios all play a role in how smooth the operation of the facility functions.