澳大利亚management assignment代写 处理冲突的方法

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个人有各种处理冲突的方法。它已经被许多不同的分类和领域不断地测量。尽管人们可以利用的冲突管理策略很多,但总的来说,大多数研究和理论都融合在双重关注理论中(Beersma, De Dreu, Evers, Kluwer, & Nauta, 2001, p. 646)。它认为,两个基本的维度是我们处理冲突的基础:合作精神或一个人为了另一个人的关注而努力做某事的程度,以及自信或一个人只试图满足他/她的个人关注的程度。根据所处平面的二维区域,确定了五种主要的冲突管理风格。这些风格被称为强迫、解决问题、避免、让步和妥协(Langton, Robbins, & Judge, 2016,第314页)。此外,管理风格的冲突的双重关注理论与管理电网布莱克和羊皮(1964),据称,导致人们和处理冲突同样一个函数的两个维度——一个高或低关心人,加上高或低关心生产。这是五种领导风格的两个依据,以水平和垂直轴为代表,并用于说明它们。不用说,每个都对应一种冲突管理风格。例如,强迫与权威管理风格相一致,解决问题与民主相一致,避免与自由放任相一致,让步与乡村俱乐部相一致,妥协与中间道路相一致(Van de Vliert & Kabanoff, 1990, p. 199)。

澳大利亚management assignment代写 处理冲突的方法

Individuals have various ways of managing conflict. It has been and continuously measured by a number of different classifications and domains. Despite the wide array of conflict management strategies that one could utilize, by and large, most researches and theories merge on the Dual Concern Theory (Beersma, De Dreu, Evers, Kluwer, & Nauta, 2001, p. 646). It argues that two underlying dimensions are the basis on how we handle conflicts: cooperativeness or the extent to which one tries to do something for the benefit of another person’s concern, and assertiveness or the extent to which one only attempts to satisfy his/her personal concern. Five major styles of conflict management are identified, depending on which two-dimensional area in the plane they occupy. These styles are known as Forcing, Problem Solving, Avoiding, Yielding, and Compromising (Langton, Robbins, & Judge, 2016, p.314). Furthermore, the conflict management styles in the Dual Concern Theory relates to the managerial grid of Blake and Mouton (1964), which purports that leading people and handling conflict are likewise a function of two dimensions – a high or low concern for people coupled with a high or low concern for production. These are the two grounds for the five leadership styles, represented by horizontal and vertical axes, and are used to illustrate them. Needless to say, each corresponds to one of the conflict management styles. For instance, Forcing is consistent with Authoritative management style, Problem solving is with Democratic, Avoiding is with Laissez Faire, Yielding is with Country Club, and Compromising is with Middle-of-the-Road (Van de Vliert & Kabanoff, 1990, p. 199).

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