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澳洲教育学作业代写 公共教育部门

公共教育部门面临的众多挑战之一是非教学办公室工作人员的工作不满。工作场所的工作满意度是指员工从工作场所的角色和职责中获得的一种满足感,它取决于许多因素,包括个人的、组织的和环境的因素。(Jawabri, 2017)。对非教学辅助人员的知识和专业知识的认可需求正在增加,这些知识和专业知识填补了学生、管理人员和领导的组织任务之间的差距。在考虑家长和学生的繁重工作和需求时,辅助人员起着至关重要的作用。辅助人员通常是组织的第一个接触点。支持人员是公司的脸面和声音。然而,许多研究发现,不满意的支持性员工态度(如工作满意度)与工作绩效同时相关,这是通过损耗率、旷工率、敬业度等来衡量的。它对教育机构的质量和非教学人员的工作绩效起着积极或消极的作用。在更高的程度上,工作评估员工期望从工作中得到什么和工作回报给员工之间的差距。考虑到教育辅助人员的工作性质和特点,以及对教育工作质量和效率的要求,影响了教育辅助人员的工作满意度。工作满意度有5个方面与工作满意度相关。这些方面并不是导致工作不满意的可能原因,而是与公众教育的工作满意/不满意研究最相关的方面。在研究中学习的相关性并不意味着因果关系。然而,越来越多的地区职员感觉与地区脱节,因为许多方面是本研究的前提。当领导和管理者不能解决工作不满时,这个问题会消极地影响支持人员的积极性,并增加工作质量低下(低绩效)和错误的风险。

澳洲教育学作业代写 公共教育部门

One of the many challenges that the public sector of education is facing is job dissatisfaction of non-instructional office staff members. Job satisfaction in a workplace is a feeling of contentment that an employee derives from his role and responsibilities in the workplace and hinges upon a number of factors, pertaining to personal, organizational and environmental factors. (Jawabri, 2017). There is an increased demand to recognizing knowledge and expertise of non-instructional support staff that bridge the gap between organizational tasks of students, administrators, and leaders. When considering the significant work required and demand of parents and students, support staff plays a crucial role. The support staff is often the first point of contact with an organization. Support staff are the face and voice of a company. However, a number of studies have found that discontent support staff attitudes such as job satisfaction were concurrently related to work performance, as measured by attrition rates, absenteeism, commitment etc.Job satisfaction is an important component to any organization, profit or non-for profit. It plays an important role contributing to positive or negative outcomes to the quality of the educational institution and work performance of non-instructional staff. To a higher degree job evaluates crevice between what an employee desires from a job and what the job reciprocate back to the employee. Considering the job description and profile of support staff and demanding for quality and efficient work among education, the job satisfaction of support staff in education is affected. There are 5 facets in the job satisfaction that are relate to job satisfaction. These facets are not off the possible causes for job dissatisfaction, but, provide the most common relevant to the study of job satisfaction/dissatisfaction on public education. Having learned in research correlation does not imply causation. However, more and more district staff members are feeling disconnected from the district for a number of facets which is the premises underlying this study. When leaders and administrators fails to address job dissatisfaction this problem negatively affect the support staff motivation and increase the risk of lower quality of work (low performance) and errors.

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