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澳洲社会学作业代写 社会变革理论


澳洲社会学作业代写 社会变革理论

Social change theory of leadership looks at the way individuals act as change agents while confronting civility and citizenship. This is another transformational model in that the individual acts in three distinct spheres; individual, group, and society/community. In the individual sphere, the actor is concerned with consciousness of self, congruence, and commitment. Alternative Breaks, and other transformational experiences, have the actor confront incongruencies and ideations of self through immersion in “otherness.” The alternative break experience also helps the individual to look at themselves in context of group dynamics and the values of collaboration, common purpose, and controversy with civility.The first two characteristics are readily apparent in the alternative break experience. It is the controversy with civility that could prove to be a fruitful area of study in that as the individual is confronting their own personal praxis on one hand, they must also hold controversy in the other. This embroilment of controversy creates a primordial soup from which a new self-identity can emerge. Leaders or facilitators of alternative break programs must be adept at facilitating civil dialogue, confrontation, and conflict resolution, not only in terms of group dynamics, but also for individuals experiencing change. Controversy with Civility is “characterized by a safe and supportive environment of trust, respect, and collaboration” The third arena in the social change model of leadership looks at the social value of citizenship. Looking at the Break Away model of alternative breaks, it is apparent that citizenship through direct service is the goal of well-planned experiences. The impacts on individuals and groups when interacting with communities and “others” can be transformational as well as individuals confronting, perhaps for the first time, their privilege and power. Intrinsic to alternative break programs are groups of well-intentioned students exploring social issues in community settings different than their own (typically). What remains to be discovered is how to build the case for alternative breaks as a high impact practice where the immersive experience is often times one to two weeks in duration.